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Data Encoding


The Polkadot SDK uses a lightweight and efficient encoding/decoding mechanism to optimize data transmission across the network. This mechanism, known as the SCALE codec, is used for serializing and deserializing data.

The SCALE codec enables communication between the runtime and the outer node. This mechanism is designed for high-performance, copy-free data encoding and decoding in resource-constrained environments like the Polkadot SDK Wasm runtime.

It is not self-describing, meaning the decoding context must fully know the encoded data types.

Parity's libraries utilize the parity-scale-codec crate (a Rust implementation of the SCALE codec) to handle encoding and decoding for interactions between RPCs and the runtime.

The codec mechanism is ideal for Polkadot SDK-based chains because:

  • It is lightweight compared to generic serialization frameworks like serde, which add unnecessary bulk to binaries
  • It doesn’t rely on Rust’s libstd, making it compatible with no_std environments like Wasm runtime
  • It integrates seamlessly with Rust, allowing easy derivation of encoding and decoding logic for new types using #[derive(Encode, Decode)]

Defining a custom encoding scheme in the Polkadot SDK-based chains, rather than using an existing Rust codec library, is crucial for enabling cross-platform and multi-language support.


The codec is implemented using the following traits:


The Encode trait handles data encoding into SCALE format and includes the following key functions:

  • size_hint(&self) -> usize - estimates the number of bytes required for encoding to prevent multiple memory allocations. This should be inexpensive and avoid complex operations. Optional if the size isn’t known
  • encode_to<T: Output>(&self, dest: &mut T) - encodes the data, appending it to a destination buffer
  • encode(&self) -> Vec<u8> - encodes the data and returns it as a byte vector
  • using_encoded<R, F: FnOnce(&[u8]) -> R>(&self, f: F) -> R - encodes the data and passes it to a closure, returning the result
  • encoded_size(&self) -> usize - calculates the encoded size. Should be used when the encoded data isn’t required


For best performance, value types should override using_encoded, and allocating types should override encode_to. It's recommended to implement size_hint for all types where possible.


The Decode trait handles decoding SCALE-encoded data back into the appropriate types:

  • fn decode<I: Input>(value: &mut I) -> Result<Self, Error> - decodes data from the SCALE format, returning an error if decoding fails


The CompactAs trait wraps custom types for compact encoding:

  • encode_as(&self) -> &Self::As - encodes the type as a compact type
  • decode_from(_: Self::As) -> Result<Self, Error> - decodes from a compact encoded type


The HasCompact trait indicates a type supports compact encoding.


The EncodeLike trait is used to ensure multiple types that encode similarly are accepted by the same function. When using derive, it is automatically implemented.

Data Types

The table below outlines how the Rust implementation of the Parity SCALE codec encodes different data types.

Type Description Example SCALE Decoded Value SCALE Encoded Value
Boolean Boolean values are encoded using the least significant bit of a single byte. false / true 0x00 / 0x01
Compact/general integers A "compact" or general integer encoding is sufficient for encoding large integers (up to 2^536) and is more efficient at encoding most values than the fixed-width version. unsigned integer 0 / unsigned integer 1 / unsigned integer 42 / unsigned integer 69 / unsigned integer 65535 / BigInt(100000000000000) 0x00 / 0x04 / 0xa8 / 0x1501 / 0xfeff0300 / 0x0b00407a10f35a
Enumerations (tagged-unions) A fixed number of variants
Fixed-width integers Basic integers are encoded using a fixed-width little-endian (LE) format. signed 8-bit integer 69 / unsigned 16-bit integer 42 / unsigned 32-bit integer 16777215 0x45 / 0x2a00 / 0xffffff00
Options One or zero values of a particular type. Some / None 0x01 followed by the encoded value / 0x00
Results Results are commonly used enumerations which indicate whether certain operations were successful or unsuccessful. Ok(42) / Err(false) 0x002a / 0x0100
Strings Strings are Vectors of bytes (Vec) containing a valid UTF8 sequence.
Structs For structures, the values are named, but that is irrelevant for the encoding (names are ignored - only order matters). SortedVecAsc::from([3, 5, 2, 8]) [3, 2, 5, 8]
Tuples A fixed-size series of values, each with a possibly different but predetermined and fixed type. This is simply the concatenation of each encoded value. Tuple of compact unsigned integer and boolean: (3, false) 0x0c00
Vectors (lists, series, sets) A collection of same-typed values is encoded, prefixed with a compact encoding of the number of items, followed by each item's encoding concatenated in turn. Vector of unsigned 16-bit integers: [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42] 0x18040008000f00100017002a00

Encode and Decode Rust Trait Implementations

Here's how the Encode and Decode traits are implemented:

use parity_scale_codec::{Encode, Decode};

[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Encode, Decode)]
enum EnumType {
    #[codec(index = 15)]
    B(u32, u64),
    C {
        a: u32,
        b: u64,

let a = EnumType::A;
let b = EnumType::B(1, 2);
let c = EnumType::C { a: 1, b: 2 };

a.using_encoded(|ref slice| {
    assert_eq!(slice, &b"\x0f");

b.using_encoded(|ref slice| {
    assert_eq!(slice, &b"\x01\x01\0\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0");

c.using_encoded(|ref slice| {
    assert_eq!(slice, &b"\x02\x01\0\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0");

let mut da: &[u8] = b"\x0f";
assert_eq!(EnumType::decode(&mut da).ok(), Some(a));

let mut db: &[u8] = b"\x01\x01\0\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
assert_eq!(EnumType::decode(&mut db).ok(), Some(b));

let mut dc: &[u8] = b"\x02\x01\0\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
assert_eq!(EnumType::decode(&mut dc).ok(), Some(c));

let mut dz: &[u8] = &[0];
assert_eq!(EnumType::decode(&mut dz).ok(), None);

SCALE Codec Libraries

Several SCALE codec implementations are available in various languages. Here's a list of them:

Last update: February 5, 2025
| Created: October 16, 2024